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Friends For Never
this is a very short story dedicated to Lizzy, my ex-best friend, just to get the point across. She really hurt me. We were best friends from pre-k until the end of third grade. I went to her Halloween/Birthday party and she had invited some popular, sorry, bitches, and they said something offensive. There was them against me and Lizzy. She wouldn't let me help her so I stayed away and figured that we would make up later, like we always did. So, the next day I went home and tried to call Lizzy, and she ignored my phone calls. So for three years, I tried to get ahold of her via e-mail, phone, letters, going to her house, confrontations, all means of communication open to me. I saw her in the mall about a year ago and i said hi and she ignored me until her mom made her say hi! So, she fell into the wrong crowd and now she wants me to be friends again and act like nothing happened. She never apologized!
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